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Giebler & Götze Grand Tour

Giebler & Götze Grand Tour

Made in Kaisersaschern New York

Herausgeber: Moritz Götze und Rüdiger Giebler

Nr. 2 von Grand Tour

Kleiner Ausstellungskatalog Grand Tour in New York

Ausstellung im Deutschen Generalkonsulat, New York

Text ist in Englisch, Farbe, 40 Seiten, 21 x 15 cm

ISBN: 978-3-945377-58-1

Preis: 8.00 €

In den Warenkorb

Kleine Broschur zu der Ausstellung im deutschen Generalkonsulat in New York vom 13.Februar bis zum 22.März 2019.

Small booklet to the touring exhibition in the german Consulate General New York. 

Der Katalog ist in englischer Sprache.

Catalog is in english.

 40 Seiten  davon 34 Seiten mit Bildern der Künstler

40 pages, 34 pages with pictures from the artists.  

Vorwort von Jens-F. Dwars.

foreword from Jens.-F Dwars.

Hinweis zum großen Katalog  "Grand Tour"  ISBN 978-3-945377-25-3

He small booklet is the odeuvre to the big Catalog "Grand Tour"

Order No: 978-3-945377-25-3

The fictional town of Kaisersaschern from Thomas Mann´s novel "Doctor Faustus" lies below Halle an der Saale. And his location is the imaginary centre for Bazon Brocks´s concept for an "educational trail of historical imagination". This "educational trail" can be fascinatingly regarded as the intention of the grand tour of Rüdiger Giebler & Moritz Götze. The two painters have been friends for thirty years. During this time they have often exhibited together, worked together and embarked on numerous travels. With its wrong-headed, interrupted history that was nonetheless stable and tranquil over long periods of time, Central Germany is a source of inspiration rich in imagery. The most disparate of biographies have crossed paths between the Harz mountains and the river Oder. They created a space filled with narrations. This is a region of mightty parks, of industrial landscapes, battlefields and nature reserves. Romanticism and rationalism interact here cheek by jowl. Paul Kaiser reflects upon the art-historical context of Giebler & Götze, from their mutual beginnings in East Germany to the present.
Exhibition in Ahrenshoop, Athen, Bangalore, Berlin, Bonn, Brüssel, Düsseldorf, Erfurt, Frankfurt/M, Halle(Saale), Karlsruhe, Kasachstan, London, Lübeck, Magdeburg, Melbourne, München, Napier/New Zeeland, Naumburg, New York, Oldenburg, Potsdam, Quedlinburg, Saarbrücken, Schwäbisch Hall, Schweinfurt, Seattle, Sellin, Los Silos/Teneriffa, Teterow, Venice/California, Witten.


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Ausgewählte Artikel: 27

Summe: 466.05 €

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International touring exhibition

Rüdiger Giebler & Moritz Götze  "Grand Tour"

February 13 to March 22, 2019 in the German Consulate General NY

9am to 5pm